Sunday, October 2, 2011

Inquiry-based learning

     We do use inquiry-based learning in our classrooms at the school I work at right now. Over the past two years we have taken a long hard look at our curriculum flipping it upside down to look at it using the "Understanding by Design" method. By looking at the bigger picture first for each lesson and then making it smaller, it allows us, as the teachers to come up with essential questions for the students, first, rather than focusing on the content knowledge. The next step, after formulating the essential question (what you want your students to know), you decide what skills you want your students to be able to do after the unit or lesson. This system really forces teachers to think about how they are asking their students to gain these skills and with what means. In inquiry-based learning teachers not only need to ask the questions, but they also need to give the students the tools to be able to come up with further questions, and have tools to solve the question. I think inquiry-based learning is necessary and can be used in all classrooms, even math, where some teachers may argue that content is what is most important. However, I would argue that the skills the students gain to learn that content is much more valuable.


  1. Wow, that's really interesting that your school is engaged in a school-wide effort to do inquiry-based learning and is connecting it to UbD. Are they doing professional development around inquiry, or learning communities? Anything else from the reading connect with your work at your school? Thanks for sharing!

  2. Our school is modeled after the Responsive Classroom approach. This RC approach supports inquiry based learning, in that it suggests using learning centers, and discovery learning.

    Our school does offer RC training for all of our teachers, which I had the opportunity to participate in this past summer. We also had a professional development day on UbD last fall, which was very beneficial before we began our curriculum overhaul.

  3. That's great to hear about a school spending time on UbD prior to curriculum overhaul.
